Saturday, May 16, 2015

SPOILER ALERT: Graphic Organizers

In this post, there will be a very important SPOILER.  Don't skip to the red letters and read it.  Don't do it.  Really, don't.  Did you do it?

For those of you who have self-control, keep reading.  Those wimps of you who skipped ahead to the spoiler - shame on you...just kidding. 
Okay, graphic organizers are a brilliant idea, I know.  (if I do say so myself)  They are awesome to help visual learners remember stuff, and they can also be a really cool idea for book reports.  Just make the organizer poster sized!  But there is something that can be really bad about graphically organizing a book: giving away the ending.  DON'T GIVE AWAY THE ENDING!!! 

SPOILER following

SPOILER just ahead...

Okay, it's the real deal.  SPOILER:  People who ruin the ends of books for other people are just THE WORST. 

There, I said it.  It is really bad if you meant to tell it, but it's still bad if you didn't mean to.  The book is still ruined.  Unless someone specifically asks you to reveal a book's ending, don't do it!  Take the necessary steps to make sure you're not a book spoiler by leaving it off your graphic organizer. 

Check out some ways to include things in your graphic organizer that help YOU remember the ending without spoiling the ending for anybody who looks at your organizer and hasn't read the book yet in my next post.

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