Monday, May 11, 2015

Picking a Book

Picking a Book

Choosing a book is hard.  My mom always says you can't judge a book by its cover, but I totally do.  Pink with bows and sparkles?  No thanks.  Title with red, drippy letters and a side of creepy?  Heck no.

Usually I choose a book because my friends tell me it's good.  Sometimes I ask my teacher or a librarian.  Sometimes I go to which is a really cool website that tells you books similar to one you've already read.  Sometimes I just go down the aisles of the library and pick a book with a good cover (that's right, I admitted it).

This time nothing was looking good in the library aisles.  I wanted something totally awesome for my first graphic organizer of the summer.  So I asked the librarian for a funny book.  She told me about the Amelia Bedelia books - too babyish - and the Wimpy Kid books - read 'em, but I'll probably reread at least one this summer.  Finally, she led me to the Hank the Cowdog books.  There were like TWENTY-FIVE of them on the shelf!  So I decided to take a chance on Hank.  I've already started my graphic organizer - I put the title and author in the middle of the page.  Now I've just got to buckle down and saddle up!  (do I sound cowboyish yet?)

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