Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Graphic Organizer FAIL

Wow.  The View from Saturday is amazing. 

I never picked it up because the cover was sorta boring and after reading the blurb, I didn't think that a book about an Academic Bowl team would be that interesting.  Nerd alert!

But I was wrong.  It starts out a little slow, and then gets amazing.  E. L. Konigsburg shows that four kids can start a revolution!

4 points for content, 5 Poppies for brevity.  9 out of 10 Poppies!!!

Here's the story with this organizer, though: I made a rookie mistake and didn't put anything on the paper until I was totally done with the book.  Bad idea!  I remembered some of the good stuff, but not enough.  I don't know why I didn't write it down sooner...probably just too lazy.  Anyway, graphic organizer - FAIL, but book - EPIC.

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