Thursday, June 18, 2015

Halfway through Harry Potter Challenge

Last night I was sweating it out because I hadn't finished the fifth book yet.  But I stayed up late and did it.  For those of you stuck on the fifth book, push through!  Did you know that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book is the longest in the series? Once you get done with it, you'll be over the hump.

I am really glad I pushed through because it feels like once I committed to doing the Harry Potter Challenge, all kinds of things started popping up.  I got a babysitting job for the first time in a long time, and then people started calling me and texting me out of the blue.  Why now?!?  

I think the key here is that "it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." (Dumbledore - so wise!!) I am avoiding a few of my chores at home because I am dedicated to completing the Harry Potter Challenge, but I'm not avoiding my social life.  I am going to finish.  Yes, I'm taking this babysitting job, and yes, I'm going to text and call and hang out with my friends.  If I can't complete the Harry Potter Challenge without being a jerk, then it's not worth doing. 

But of course I won't be making my social calls extra long...I have an appointment with the Wizarding World!

P.S.  I've found that I got stuck about two-thirds of the way through books four and five.  They are great, but soooo long.  If you have that problem, too, take a break and come back to it.   Once you finish a book, you'll be proud that you did and you'll have motivation to start the next, so you won't have to take a break then.  Stay strong, my fellow Muggles!

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