Friday, June 12, 2015

Before the HP Challenge

Seven books, seven days.  It's daunting, isn't it?  That's why we need friends to cheer us on...and JOIN us!  So far I have gotten my mom and my best friend, Bea, to commit to reading the whole Harry Potter series this week.  I am so excited!!!

I'll keep you posted on my progress and theirs.  The challenge starts tomorrow, so there's still time to get in on it!  Join us!

Right now, I am stuck helping my mom prepare food for the week (so that she can fully commit to the HP Challenge).  That's not so much fun, but I am SO excited for the challenge that I might just start tonight.  If I do, it won't be until 9 PM tonight, and then I'll have until 9 PM next Friday.  Eeeee!  I am already starting to feel the pressure. 

Last chance to join us!  Just do it!  Do it for Dumbledore!  Do it for the Hogwarts letter you haven't yet received.  Do it for Harry.  Do it for yourself.

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