Friday, August 28, 2015

Project Runway S14 Ep4 - Breakdown

It's the fourth challenge, and Amanda "the Returna" Perna is freaking out.  She has been in the bottom a lot, and she's starting to lash out at the judges and other designers.  She and Gabrielle, who teamed up last week, both NEEDED Tim's approval before they got mired in their freakouts. 

Blake proves himself an idiot savant, not knowing how to tell time, and baffling Tim with his design.  News flash, Blake:  you're just not that good at construction.  If Tim doesn't get how it comes together, don't do it.  You're definitely not smarter than Tim.  Blake also says, "I feel bad for people who don't know about high Lindsey."  See?  He's an idiot, but with flashes of brilliance, too.  He just said exactly what I wish I could have said.  Lindsey, step it up!

Candace is confident in the workroom, and that pisses Amanda off.  Both ladies focus on black and white - Amanda for the judges and Candace for her personal aesthetic - and the results are telling.

Why do they have  a fourth grader judging the show?  She was dressed by Betty Draper, mmkay?  And where has Merline been this whole episode?  Her look is pretty good, and she was virtually silent - Joseph really did tame her!

Amanda says as her look walks the runway, "You don't really know how things are gonna look."  No, we knew: matronly.  Way worse than Joseph's design.  And Edmund's look looks as cheap as always.  He made his model look like an Eastern European lady of the night.  No, just no.  All the safe folks are confused about who's in the top and who's in the bottom, but we can all agree that Gabrielle's super basic design and Amanda's insecure design landed them in the bottom again.  Ouch!

Lindsey is pissed that Blake is in the top.  At least he made something that you couldn't buy at Ross. She's confident in her own dowdy look, and we know she won't go home.  Candace is so confident she cries about how confident she feels about being on Project Runway.  And yet Blake, the idiot savant, wins.  Guess they don't care about execution today.

Gabrielle goes home.  She could have done a lot better.  Even Tim was shocked that she choked so bad.  Next week is another team challenge.  Buckle up for drama!

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