Friday, August 28, 2015

Project Runway S14 Ep4 - Breakdown

It's the fourth challenge, and Amanda "the Returna" Perna is freaking out.  She has been in the bottom a lot, and she's starting to lash out at the judges and other designers.  She and Gabrielle, who teamed up last week, both NEEDED Tim's approval before they got mired in their freakouts. 

Blake proves himself an idiot savant, not knowing how to tell time, and baffling Tim with his design.  News flash, Blake:  you're just not that good at construction.  If Tim doesn't get how it comes together, don't do it.  You're definitely not smarter than Tim.  Blake also says, "I feel bad for people who don't know about high Lindsey."  See?  He's an idiot, but with flashes of brilliance, too.  He just said exactly what I wish I could have said.  Lindsey, step it up!

Candace is confident in the workroom, and that pisses Amanda off.  Both ladies focus on black and white - Amanda for the judges and Candace for her personal aesthetic - and the results are telling.

Why do they have  a fourth grader judging the show?  She was dressed by Betty Draper, mmkay?  And where has Merline been this whole episode?  Her look is pretty good, and she was virtually silent - Joseph really did tame her!

Amanda says as her look walks the runway, "You don't really know how things are gonna look."  No, we knew: matronly.  Way worse than Joseph's design.  And Edmund's look looks as cheap as always.  He made his model look like an Eastern European lady of the night.  No, just no.  All the safe folks are confused about who's in the top and who's in the bottom, but we can all agree that Gabrielle's super basic design and Amanda's insecure design landed them in the bottom again.  Ouch!

Lindsey is pissed that Blake is in the top.  At least he made something that you couldn't buy at Ross. She's confident in her own dowdy look, and we know she won't go home.  Candace is so confident she cries about how confident she feels about being on Project Runway.  And yet Blake, the idiot savant, wins.  Guess they don't care about execution today.

Gabrielle goes home.  She could have done a lot better.  Even Tim was shocked that she choked so bad.  Next week is another team challenge.  Buckle up for drama!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone

Phoebe Stone is a talented writer.  I didn't know if I was going to like this book because its title is sorta cheesy and the cover looks like it's about high schoolers getting handsy, but it was AMAZING. There's love, loss, intrigue, and World War II.  If you like WWII stories, you will like this book.

Felicity Bathburn Budwig leaves home in England with her beloved Winnie and Danny to live with the Bathburns of Bottlebay.  Her uncle, aunt, and grandmother all have quirky names and they soon give Felicity the nickname "Flissy."  Thank God the character doesn't really like that name either, or I would have had to put the book down immediately.  Soon the mystery of where Felicity's parents have gone, who the Captain is, and where Felicity will finally feel that she belongs are in full swing, and with the intriguing setting of the war, I couldn't put it down.  

With references to things I love, like The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Phoebe Stone shows that she really gets kids.  Flissy begins her own journey of love while unearthing a story of love and pain which will change her view of the world forever.  You’ll learn some cool English phrases like “not half chuffed” and you’ll hear some details of the United States during the second World War.  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt even makes a sort of cameo.  Maybe it’s unbelievable, but it just feels right.

Phoebe Stone weaves a tale of love and history and secrets that is captivating.  Growing up and learning that many blessings come in disguise with the quirky Bathburns of Bottlebay is truly entertaining.  I have to own this book.  Tell Phoebe Stone that when I think of good WWII stories, “I think of you.  I think of you.”

Here's the graphic organizer:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Project Runway S14 Ep3 - Group Cruise

This week started out with some shameless stumping for Carnival Cruises, particularly a quote from Amanda.  Is that how you got on the show (again), Amanda?  She was almost as bad as Edmund last week with the Hallmark challenge.

The challenge was to create a high-end day to night look for travelers to cruise locations.  Tim eliminated the drama of picking teams by using the button bag to choose pairs, and honestly, I would have appreciated the drama.  It's best when designers think they're going to work really well together and then they clash in the workroom and on the runway.  The clashes this time were just more sad. 

Amanda and Gabrielle picked the south of France.  They worked together pretty well, and the outfit they created had a lot of potential.  The judges HATED it.  I didn't think it was that bad.

Queen Frostine and Candace made a garment fit for wearing in Venice.  It was colorful with a mix of prints and darn well made.  Kudos, ladies.  I was impressed at how well they worked together and how no one got catty on the runway (Candace, I'm looking at you!).

Lindsey and Jake designed for Hong Kong, and Jake thought he was hot stuff because he had been to Hong Kong.  The rest of the one day they were given to design, he pulled a bunch of passive-aggressive junk and hardly made anything.  I was disgusted by him.  And I don't even like Lindsey "Taylor Swift" that much.

Laurie and Swapnil chose India, even though Tim warned Swapnil that it would be a risky choice because the judges would set the bar too high.  They did a modern twist on the sari that looked really great.  I think Laurie should have gotten credit for her editing choices, especially the sari shawl fabric.  She gave credit to Swapnil.  They were both in the top.

Kelly and Blake seemed like a taste-challenged pairing.  Kelly was wearing earrings designed by WWE wrestlers, and after Blake's recent missteps, I thought they'd be in the bottom for sure.  Then their design appeared on the runway and I was floored.  Gorgeous!  But the judges put the pair in the middle, safe.

Edmund and Hanmiao were a train wreck.  Hanmiao wanted to assert her design aesthetic, and should have since Edmund had immunity and doesn't have that great of taste.  But she didn't really communicate with him, so he ended up making his own swimsuit and a skirt, and she made a terribly constructed swimsuit that they put on the runway.  It was pretty clear who was going home.  I'd be sadder if I wasn't certain that Hanmiao would have gone home once they had the next team challenge.

Merline and Joseph were the other worst team.  I'll be the first to admit that Merline is annoying, but Joseph forbid her to do a bunch of things, and in the process forbid her to be herself.  Merline was surprisingly subdued, and together they churned out a dress and cape that Joseph admitted was for older ladies.  I think he should have gone home.  They executed his design, and it was just blah and ugly.

Ashley and Candace got the FIRST EVER DOUBLE IMMUNITY.  It was amazing.   Looks like Queen Frostine is the front runner.  She's good, but she's not unbeatable.  Who's gonna step up?!?

Friday, August 14, 2015

Project Runway Episode 2 - Hallmark Fashion

Episode 2 of Project Runway Season 14 was the unconventional challenge.  Gosh I love those so much!  It really makes designers who had one bag of tricks planned for the show change it up.  That's why Taylor Swift (Lindsay Creel) didn't do so hot.

The designers had to choose their materials from Hallmark cards and envelopes in a showroom.  Needless to say, the showroom was destroyed by the end.  Blake ran for the cards with sequins and Kelly was nice and let him have them.  Does anyone else want to see her in a fight?

In the workroom, Kelly totally rocked this challenge.  She had a plan from the start and made a really cool outfit.  I thought she should have won.  Swapnil made an awesome top and then pasted flowers on a skirt.  Amanda made an awesome top and then made a skirt, too.  Somehow Swapnil was in the top and Amanda was in the bottom.  I'll admit her skirt was bad, but not as bad as the judges made it sound.  A mop?  A piƱata to smash?  Harsh.

Edmond "Trying Too Hard" Newton really tried too hard.  He made a super fun wedding dress out of the card on top and some other paper they had in the workroom on the bottom.  Then he made a necklace and a bouquet for the model out of paper, and then he even wore a tuxedo t-shirt to judging.  I'll admit that the dress was fun and joyful, but it was blatant pandering that he made the dress from the Hallmark Signature logo.  The judges had to give him the win.  He was also blatantly uninterested in helping other designers, so he's not going to be a favorite after next week's challenge: the first group one - Yay!

Cuoco's metallic dress was hot and should've been in the top instead of Blake's sparkly monstrosity.  He made the same horrifying dress as last week with too much going on, and the judges are giving him too much credit for taste level.  If they questioned Kelly's for her fun skirt and hoodie crop top, they should definitely have questioned Blake for his pink-sequined party dress.  Blech.  Too much for me, just like Arruda's pink ombre dress.  You knew a vagina comment would go hand in hand with that dress. 

Daveeeed Giampiccolo got sent home for doing the challenge wrong.  Yes, his design wasn't that bad, but do you really want to see him at Fashion Week?  No.  I think they got it just right.  If you want to win Project Runway, do great on each challenge individually.  They can't judge based on your body of work, especially not as early as the second episode.

Things to look for in the future:  Why is everyone racist (Merline and Blake)?  That is gonna get to Swapnil pretty soon.  Kelly's taste level has already been questioned...methinks she's in trouble.  A group challenge means Queen Frostine is gonna cry (again), Hanmiao is going to go nuts, Edmond isn't going to help anyone, Kelly is gonna be too nice, and Swapnil is going to be his usual overbearing self (don't feel too bad about how racist everyone has been...he will show his true jerk colors soon enough).  Does anyone else feel like there are way too many people skating by in the middle?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Project Runway is BAAAAACK!

If you didn't already know, my mom auditioned for Project Runway a few seasons back.  Obviously you'd already know if she won, so I can spoil this for you: she didn't win :(.  But we're not bitter!  Project Runway is our favorite TV show by far.  It has simply everything: drama, competition, and Tim Gunn.  I love it so much that I just can't help posting about it.

Season 14 is going to be amazing!  I had to post about the first challenge today so that we'll be all caught up for the new one tonight.  It's on every Thursday at 9 on Lifetime.

Episode 1 - They all have to run to get material inside Madison Square Garden.  Wah's from Mood, so whatever.  Tim and Heidi say that they have the best talent of all the seasons assembled, but it's pretty clear from Tim's critiques (and previews of his future swearing) that they're just not.  Everyone makes clothes, most everybody shares their kits and extra fabrics with everyone else, Thor goes home.  Heidi makes no comment on the bust area of his ill-fitting garment, which is shocking.  Otherwise, the most exciting thing is the look ahead: cool challenges including an all-paper garment and "dumpster diving" Project Runway style.  Can't wait!!!

This episode was mostly us getting to know the cast.  The Project Runway Season 14 cast includes:

Ashley Neil Tipton - soon to be known as Queen Frostine for her sweetness and purple pomp.  She refers to herself as funky, fun, and fat. We can expect some fierce fashion and most likely a lot of tears from her this season.  Notes:  she's already in my picks for Fashion Week.  She can already knock it out of the park with her answer to "Why should YOU win Project Runway?" because she makes gorgeous looks for plus size women.

Amanda Perna - AKA Amanda Returna.  We got to see her kicked off before the season even started last year.  She's back and she's high strung, but determined to be a good sport.

Blake Patterson - a cocky, cute guy who says he designs for socialites.  He seems to be a less bitchy Christian Siriano with his voluminous looks.  We could expect a really show-stopping line if he makes it to Fashion Week.

Candice Cuoco - Big Mouth as I like to call her.  Why does she love to draw attention to the gap in her teeth and the fact that she "incubated" two kids?  I don't know.  Not sure what to expect from Cuoco Loco.

David Giampiccolo - a picky 'piccolo who didn't stand out all that much this time, except for Merline paying attention to him..."Daveeeed!"

Duncan Chambers-Watson - a Thor lookalike from New Zealand.  Who tells the judges on the first challenge that they're still trying to figure out their point of view for their brand?  Ain't gonna go far.

Edmond Newton - Mr. Trying Too Hard.  He was in the top for his suuuuper basic LBD, but Tim already questioned his craftsmanship and vision.  Ain't gonna go far.  Trying Too Hard because he tried out for not one, not two, but ALL of the previous seasons.  Sometimes perseverance isn't everything, Tenacious E.

Gabriella Arruda - a classic overachiever who became an artist.  She is probably talented, but she wasn't memorable this week.

Hanmiao Yang - calls herself Pistachio, Happy Nut.  Definitely going to clash with other designers, but in a meek, tearful way.

Jake Wall - the Artful Dodger, after his clothing line the Artful Gentleman.  He's gonna have to figure out a way to stand out and stand up separately from the Artful Gentleman if he's gonna win.

Joseph Charles Poli - a self-proclaimed Virgo.  I don't know why that says it all, but it does.

Kelly Dempsey - White Trash.  Nice white trash, but still White Trash.  No way she can win.  Sorry, honey.

Laurie Underwood - the only person who called out Merline to her face for being annoying.  She's my dark horse for Fashion Week.  Don't count her out, people!

Lindsey Creel - Taylor Swift.  Nuff said.  She's probably good, but she didn't show it on this challenge.

Merline Labissiere - SO ANNOYING.  Claims she has a background in architecture, but it sure ain't a college degree.  So far she's been racist and she called muslin Muslim.  Annoying and an idiot.  Sparks will fly.

Swapnil Shinde - the Alec Baldwin of the show.  Attractive and polarizing as H-e-double hockey sticks.  He is good, but he, Merline, and someone else didn't bring sewing kits.  And you can just tell that if he is in the bottom on a group challenge, he's gonna be throwing people under the bus.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer's Almost Over!

Okay, so I've only completed 10 graphic organizers so far.  I am proud because in addition to that, I completed the Harry Potter Challenge.  Still, summer's not over and I have a lot more reading to do!

While on vacation, I finished Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz, the first in the Alex Rider series.  It was very James Bond, but without the humor.  The villain was super fake and there were lots of moments of action that I skipped over.  I had hoped for some jokes to ease the tension and suspense at times, but there wasn't much.  What was there were a couple of jokes that mostly fell flat.  3 for brevity, 2 for content, 5 Poppies total.

I'm not proud of this graphic organizer...not sure Horowitz should be proud of this book either...

Ready for some Goodreads?

Guess who has two thumbs and just got a Goodreads account?  This girl!!

So far, I really like  It took about two seconds to set up a profile, and then a bit longer to rate some of my favorite books, but now I have a lot of new book recommendations.  I even get to follow some of my favorite authors, and someday soon I'll contribute to the disussions.

Anybody else have a Goodreads account?  Come find me!