Friday, September 4, 2015

The Worst Class Trip Ever by Dave Barry

I haven't watched Project Runway yet!  I am dying to!  I will comment on it tomorrow.

I just read The Worst Class Trip Ever by Dave Barry.  I picked it up because I LOOOOVED The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (not by the same author) and I hoped the two would be in the same vein.  I also know a lot of people think Dave Barry is funny.

This book isn't funny.  Sorry, Dave Barry.  It has a few amusing moments, but nothing to laugh out loud about...and I am an easy lol.  If you are looking for a good book, set this one aside and pick up The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson.  You won't be disappointed.

Dave Barry's Class Trip is about Wyatt Palmer, an average middle schooler with a Cuban mother and a crush on a girl way out of his league, Suzana Delgado.  When Wyatt's class heads to Washington, D.C. for a class trip, Wyatt and his friend Matt unearth a possible terrorist plot against the White House.  The boys have to enlist the help of classmates, including the hot and popular Suzana, to foil the terrorists and keep their teachers in the dark so they don't get sent home.

This book just wasn't funny enough and the plot was unbelievable.  I would have been an easy sell - I really liked All-American Girl by Meg Cabot, and that has a similar setup.  But I just didn't buy it.  Stay home from Class Trip.  The very first story about Wyatt's dad is somewhat funny, but it all goes downhill from there. 1 Poppy for content, 3 Poppies for brevity, 4 Poppies overall.

Here's my graphic organizer of the book.  It's pretty similar to the front cover of the book, and SPOILER: don't look if you don't want to see the only funny quote of the book.  This time I started my organizer at the bottom and worked my way up to the kites.  I like how it turned out.

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