Thursday, September 17, 2015

Project Runway - Haute Tech Couture S14 Ep7

We get a SECOND unconventional challenge!  I am in heaven!

In Episode 5, Tim meets the designers in a shady part of town and tells them to get their materials from a "dumpster."  Lindsey complains about germs, but it's clear that this is a designer dumpster.  It's filled with old technology like floppy discs, Rolodexes, and VHS tapes.  The designers grab all they can fit into a cart and then have to drive it back to the studio.  I liked that touch.  Candace says she can check being a bag lady off her bucket list, but more likely it was on most of the designers' list of Things To Die Before I Do...

Back in the workroom, Kelly and Ashley get to work and stick with their materials.  Ashley makes a cool textile out of Polaroids, and Kelly cuts up what looks like a dryer vent and uses rectangles of it to shape a dress.  Lindsey whines because she can't wrap her head around unconventional materials, which really means she's too lazy to be creative.  She does have a moment of clarity when she calls her critiques from the judges "disheartening" and says that if she (and her design aesthetic) were dating the judges, "It's not going well."

SPOILER: Out of nowhere, Jake leaves the show.  He leaves because he has to put down his dog.  Sorry, man, but you won't be missed.  If he parlays this into getting on the next season of Project Runway, I am gonna be so disgusted.  He CHOSE to leave...and he wasn't doing well enough to make it through another week anyway.  Not sorry to see you go.

Meanwhile, Joseph is trying really hard to make a non-matronly dress.  Laurie is making a blah dress with mouse pads and there's no way she's gonna win.  Merline is making a dress with crazy shoulders that Tim calls a "Big Bird" look, but she has immunity, so she keeps moving forward confidently.  And, no surprise, Lindsey is making something boring.  She is not inspired and it's obvious. 

Swapnil tells Candace that his game plan is to give challenges 60 percent of his talent and just try to stay in the middle and not get kicked off.  Honestly, I think it's brilliant IF you can pull it off.  Some other folks have been skating by (*cough* Joseph and Lindsey *cough*) without showing much talent or creativity.  Still, it seems like a safer idea to be proud of your looks in case the judges send you home. 

Tim tells the designers this challenge has the "potential to be the best unconventional challenge," and the runway does not disappoint.  Swapnil's top shows a TON of skin, but it's interesting, Candace made a stiff look but it still complements her model's body, Kelly's dryer vent dress is shiny and fun, and Ashley's Polaroid dress looks both vintage and futuristic.  The judges love Edmond's dress, but I think they are on crack.  It's hideous.  He made his textile look normal, but I just think it's UGLY. 

SPOILERS: Lindsey and Joseph are in the bottom, and even though they don't have to do an elimination this week because Jake left voluntarily, they still dump Joseph (finally).  Kelly wins and is cute.   I like her, but she can't win.  She just can't.  She doesn't have a taste level compatible with Fashion Week.

Next week it will be a whole new ball game.   I hope we get some better judges, though.

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