Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Book Review: Absolutely Truly by Heather Vogel Frederick

Do you ever start reading a book because you just know you're going to love it?  And then you don't love it?

I am trying so hard to love Absolutely Truly by Heather Vogel Frederick.  I really liked her Mother-Daughter Book Club series, so I hoped this would be a classic, too.  I read the first 20 pages and almost nothing happened.  Then I got to 50 pages and thought something had to happen soon.  And now I'm at 100 pages.  A hint of something happening in the next 50 pages has kept me reading,  but honestly I don't know why I don't give up already.  

Truly is boring.  She is military so she moves a lot and goes into "stealth mode" to avoid always being the new kid.  Blah blah blah.  SO overdone!  Her parents are hurting for money.  Frederick did that in Pies and Prejudice.  She truly (sorry, I had to do that somewhere in this post) loves birds.  Really?  I can't even.  She is so darn boring.

I swear, if the plot doesn't pick up ASAP, I won't ever read another book by Heather Vogel Frederick.  Get to the point already!!

REVISITED:  I skimmed to the end.  It was okay.  But not great.  I should have trusted my gut and put this book down at 20 pages.  The 20-page test works!

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