Saturday, June 20, 2015

Harry Potter Challenge: COMPLETE!

I finished!  I finished all seven Harry Potter books in seven days.  I am so proud.  It was tough, especially because I had a babysitting gig on the final day, so I really had to buckle down Friday afternoon to be finished by my start time last week. 

If you haven't read all seven Harry Potter books, do it!  If you've read them all before, read them again!  J. K. Rowling crafted these books so cleverly that there's something new each time you read them.  Honestly, I like the series even better now that I can prepare myself for the emotional losses that Harry experiences.  And once you know what twists are coming, it's really interesting to go back through the books and look for hints (especially about a certain sniveling character).  My favorite book is book three, Prisoner of Azkaban, because of the brilliant hints.  But I also love Sorcerer's Stone and Goblet of Fire...okay, all of them! 

If you've never read the Harry Potter books before, get the hard copy.  Kindles won't give you the cool pictures or the magical font at the start of each chapter.  (I told you I'm a nerd.  I love fonts.)

If you have read the Harry Potter books before, here are some things to look out for as you re-read:
  • animal symbolism
  • meaning of names
  • dreams and foreshadowing
  • magical power vs. strength of character
  • duality - are bad characters all bad?  are there any flaws in the wonderful Wizarding World?

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