Thursday, April 30, 2015

Poppy's Summer Reading Challenge!

I love summer.  I love to sleep in and ride my bike and hit the pool.  I also love to grab some gummy bears and curl up with a book ALL DAY.  Some books are just so wonderful that you can't put them down!  Once school's out, there are no pesky teachers to tell you to put your book away during the day =)

This summer, I'm going to my local library to sign up for summer reading.  I like that they give you prizes like pizza, and also that they give you free books to read.  The problem is, last year I finished 25 books, and I don't remember them at all.  If I still had my list from last summer (let's just say no paper is safe with my baby brother crawling around), the titles might jog my memory, or if I could see the book covers again, that might help, too.  But I don't and I can't.
So this summer I have a plan!  I am a visual learner and I remember things that are brightly colored or a weird font or have pictures, so I am going to make myself graphic organizers.  My teacher made us do one for a book report this year, and I really liked it.  She said graphic organizers can be arranged any way that makes sense to you: from top to bottom like a normal assignment, or out from the center like a sunshine, or pretty much anything that works for YOU.  I think I'll try a few different ones and see which I like best.  I'm so excited to have an excuse to use my new markers!

These graphic organizers are just for fun, and I'm not going to do one for every book I read.  But I really hope that they can help me with my terrible memory - fingers crossed!

I'll post pictures of the finished products.  Here's the one from my book report on Meet Julie by Megan McDonald.  It's about the American Girl, Julie, who lives in the 70's.  She's spunky and she has a really cool best friend, but she just switched to a new school in San Francisco that doesn't have a girl's basketball team.  Once you meet Julie, you'll know she has something to say about that!


  1. This is visually interesting! I love how you summed up your book report with cool text bubbles. Do you have a grid you go by? For example, I see that a couple of boxes are labeled (Characters, events). I have an idea about the others, but do you have specific topics you use for each bubble? Thanks!

  2. Normally, I include characters, events, important quotes, and themes, then anything else that jumps out at me. I don't often have a well-defined area for themes or important quotes, I just write them down when they strike me. I think it helps keep the flow of reading going, and then I can go back and think about themes and quotes later. Thanks for commenting!
