Sunday, October 4, 2015

Project Runway - Make it Sell

Candace won last week's challenge, and she has all the power this week.  The designers do a commercial challenge for Just Fab, and Candace gets to assign categories to all the designers.  She takes Trendsetter and gives Kelly the same category.  She assigns Ashley Girl Next Door, Laurie Modern Classic, and Merline Femme Noveau (which everyone agrees will be a stretch).  Swapnil and Edmund get Bombshell, and Edmund complains that Candace just doesn't get his style.  What category did he want?!?  I thought she chose very fairly.

At Mood, Edmund picks a hideous fabric and Kelly decides to make a faux fur vest.  Bad choices all around.  Ashley calls out Merline for still being there - "she's all over the place."

Tim gives everyone the advice that even though it's a commercial challenge, it still has to look unique and represent the designer (Read: Swapnil and Laurie need to pull it together).  Kelly admits that she didn't know how she would do on Project Runway "because of design aesthetic."  She calls herself out there.  Tim calls her exuberant.  I call it trashy.  Yes, Kelly, I do get's just retro 80's from Goodwill.

In the workroom, Tim tells everyone that there's another component to the challenge.  Designers get to make a tag/logo to put in the outfit and wear on a t-shirt at the runway show.  Sorry, guys, if you haven't already thought about this, you aren't serious about having your own brand.  Luckily, most of them had, so this wasn't much of an added burden.  But did anyone else notice that Candace's logo is sorta phallic?

Laurie, Edmond, and Swapnil have to change up their looks after they see them on the model.  And then Edmond "designs" his label, which is his dad's name in basic block text.  Apparently the logo wasn't actually part of the challenge at all...because SPOILER: he wins.  I don't get it.  I don't get it at all.  Yes, his design was probably the most commercial, so I guess I'll let him have this one.  But really, judges, REALLY?  They say his red dress will look good on everyone, but it has no structure and therefore it will show everyone's flaws.  I thought Ashley should have won for her spunky outfit with a gold faux leather jacket and crop and skirt, but I guess three pieces didn't fit the Just Fab manufacturing process.

Swapnil tries again this week, and just doesn't do so well when he puts that kind of pressure on himself.  Makes me worried about him for Fashion Week.  Merline does a constructed look that I thought seemed interesting, but shows her construction problems again, and it's bad.  Laurie makes a last-minute top and doesn't cover her model's bust AGAIN.  There's no way the judges could let that one skate.  SPOILER: Laurie goes home.

My DVR died before I saw next week's previews, so I am stuck dreaming of cool challenges.  Any chance that they will do something food related again?  Or is the plus size challenge coming up so Ashley can win again?

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